Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Starfruit Booth

I know some of you are wondering, what is that phone booth in the entrance of MJ? well, if you don't know, its a Starfruit cabin, is a free system to send SMS (short messages to mobile phones)... WHAT? yes! you can send free sms to any mobile phone around the world.

Simply, go to the telephone booth and type in public chat and very close to the cabin: /8 followed by the mobile phone number of your friend and then the message. Example:/8 0015551234567 Hi Joe! I'm in SL. Join me! Bob.
Don't forget your country code (001 for US, 0041 for Switzerland, 0056 for Chile, etc).
I tried the service and works excelent! well, except with my sister Leisie Anatine, she lives in Mexico and she didn't received all the sms I sent to her. But you can try with your SL or RL friends.
Para nuestros amigos de habla hispana, les cuento que la cabina telefónica que tenemos en MJ, es para enviar mensajes cortos (sms) a teléfonos móviles a cualquier parte del mundo. Solo debes acercarte o entrar a la cabina y tipear en el chat publico: /8 0015551234567 Hola Ags, estoy aqui en MJ.
Siempre debes colocar doble cero y el código del país. A disfrutar!!!

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