Wednesday, October 29, 2008


As you may be aware Linden Labs have had second thoughts on Open Sims.. the basics are that they are proposing to increase the tiers for open space sims by 66% (for further information see this link)

If this is allowed to go ahead Midnight Jazz will have to seriously consider its future. We dont ask or get a great deal of money from our guests.

We have never been about the money side of business, we just look for enough to cover tiers to every month, This has never happened in over the year MJ's has been in existance. and as a result myself and Olympia have seriously invested a great deal of real life money and paid for the tiers. This has been fine.. Even though as a European i have to personally pay VAT on top of it all.

Second Life is a game.. and in these hard economic times we all have to justify out outgoings. Its a wonderful resource and great social resource. I truely apprecicate the wonderful friends I have met in this great club. However.. I could still meet and appreciate them without the club.

However.. after all this gloom and doom. there are a few things we can do to prevent the worst happening. firstly go to and vote against this increase the link is here please encourage all your friends to sign ( and alts) .. Secondly please join the SOS (save our sims) group. Show your opposition to this huge price hike. If we dont, only a few super clubs will exist and we will all pay alot more for enjoying what should be a pleasureable experiance. At worst MJ's will close, at best we will have to relocate again to a more populated sim, and lose that special charm the club has. No more dances in the moonlight. No more romantic cuddles without prying eyes watching you all the time.

Thank you friends for reading this rant... now back to the music!


1 comment:

Agatha Klees said...

Yes Q... we are doing all what we need to keep MJ like the beautiful place it is now...
I already voted against LL, and of course i will do everything I can do for keep MJ alive... JOIN THE FORCE!